The Usage of Optical Brighteners in Food Contact Materials

2024-08-22 15:43

China's national food safetystandard for food contact materials GB9685-2016 lists the fluorescentbrighteners that can be used for food packaging materials, mainly including: OpticalBrightener OB1 (FWA 393), Optical Brightener OB (FWA 184) etc., and other typesof fluorescent brighteners are not allowed to be used in the production of foodcontainers and packaging materials in China. GB 4806.8 2016 stipulates thatthere are restrictive requirements for fluorescent substances in paper andcardboard materials and products for food contact, except for paper andcardboard materials and products that need to be peeled, shelled or cleanedbefore eating, cooking or processing, and stipulates that fluorescentbrighteners are determined in accordance with GB 31604.47-2016 standard testmethods.

OPTICAL BRIGHTENER FOOD CONTACT .jpgOptical Brightener Food Contact

In the United States Code ofFederal Regulations (CFR), fluorescent brighteners can be used as indirect foodadditives, and some fluorescent brighteners are allowed to be used in foodpackaging containers as well as uncoated paper and cardboard, but there arecertain restrictions on the maximum amount to be added.

In some European countries,materials that come into contact with fatty and liquid foods allow the use of alimited number of fluorescent brighteners. The use of fluorescent brightenersis permitted in the European Council Decision Res AP (2002)1, provided thattheir migration is not detectable. The German Federal Institute for RiskAssessment (BfR) XXXVI authorizes the use of colorants and optical brightenersfor paper and cardboard for food contact, but stipulates that neither of themmay be transferred to food. And there are certain restrictions on the maximumdosage of sulfonated stilbene derivatives.

Japan,Australia and New Zealand and other countries have no specific requirements.